Additional funding - Disability Access Fund (DAF)
- Disability Access Fund - Parent declaration form (PDF)
- Disability Access Fund - Parent declaration form (MS Word document)
Additional funding - SEN Inclusion Fund (DAF)
- SEN Inclusion Fund - Eligibility criteria 2024-2025 (PDF)
- SEN Inclusion Fund - Panel meeting dates 2024-2025 (PDF)
- SEN Inclusion Fund - Request form (PDF)
- SEN Inclusion Fund - Request form (MS Word document)
- SEN Inclusion Fund - Review document and provision map template (PDF)
- SEN Inclusion Fund - Review document and provision map template (MS Word document)
- SEN Inclusion Fund - Terms and conditions 2024-2025 (PDF)
Early identification
- Communication log template (PDF)
- Communication log template (MS Word document)
- Early years SEND individual progress tracker - Guidance (PDF)
- Early years SEND individual progress tracker - Template (PDF)
- Early years SEND individual progress tracker - Template (MS Excel document)
- SEND support register template (PDF)
- SEND support register template (MS Word document)
Early intervention
General documents
- SEND inclusion policy for early years settings - Guidance (PDF)
- Updating your FSD childcare provider record with information on SEND provision - Guidance (PDF)
Hounslow early years SEND Panel
- Early years SEND Panel information sheet for parents (PDF)
- Early years SEND Panel referral form (PDF)
- Early years SEND Panel referral form (MS Word document)
- Health notification information sheet for parents (PDF)
- Health notification summary document (PDF)
- Health notification summary document (MS Word document)
- Ordinarily available provision guidance documents (PDF)
- Supporting children and young people with dyslexia and literary difficulties in Hounslow schools (PDF)
- Request for involvement from Sensory and Physical SEN team - For hospitals or clinics (Online form)
- Request for involvement from Sensory and Physical SEN team - For schools (Online form)
- EHCP annual review form - Early years to Year 8 (PDF)
- EHCP annual review form - Early years to Year 8 (MS Word document)
- EHCP annual review form - Year 9 to Post-16 (PDF)
- EHCP annual review form - Year 9 to Post-16 (MS Word document)
- Annual review advice template for professionals (PDF)
- Annual review advice template for professionals (MS Word document)
- EHCNA advice template for professionals (PDF)
- EHCNA advice template for professionals (MS Word document)
- Education settings - Request for statutory assessment and advice (PDF)
- Education settings - Request for statutory assessment and advice (MS Word document)
- EHCP assessment - Parent views and evidence (PDF)
- EHCP assessment - Parent views and evidence (MS Word document)
- EHCP assessment - Young person views and evidence (PDF)
- EHCP assessment - Young person views and evidence (MS Word document)
- Supporting pupils with medical conditions at school (GOV.UK website)
- Education for children with health needs who cannot attend school (GOV.UK website)
- Using emergency adrenaline auto-injectors in schools (GOV.UK website)
- Emergency asthma inhalers for use in schools (GOV.UK website)
- First aid in schools, early years and colleges (GOV.UK website)
- Children and young people settings: tools and resources (GOV.UK website)
- Autism Education Trust resources: Autism Education Trust (Autism Education Trust Training ‘Making Sense of Autism’ and ‘Good Autism Practice’ Modules are delivered at no charge to all settings and schools)
- Autism Level UP!
- Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists: guidance and resources to support professionals with their practice Guidance | RCSLT
- A guide to neurodiversity in the early years | Anna Freud
- Learning About Neurodiversity at School (LEANS): A free programme for mainstream primary schools to introduce pupils aged 8-11 years to the concept of neurodiversity, and how it impacts our experiences at school
- Whole school SEND
- SLCF is a free online professional development tool which sets out the key skills and knowledge needed by the children and young people’s workforce to support the speech, language and communication development of all children and young people.
- Word Aware - a structured whole school approach to promote the vocabulary development of all children.
- Visual Way to Teach Spoken and Written Grammar SHAPE CODING™ System – A Visual Way to Teach Spoken and Written Grammar
- The Double Empathy problem
- The Balanced System: a whole system strategic approach to supporting children and people with a whole range of needs, that has primarily come out of work in the area of speech, language and communication What is it
- Education Endowment Foundation | EEF
- ‘Five-a-day’ evidence-informed approaches to support all pupils, including those with SEND EEF blog: Scaffolding – more than just a worksheet | EEF (
- Dyslexia Style Guide 2023
- Working memory - CAER Working Memory Guidance
- Leeds Language Screener Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust - Speech and Language Therapy Toolkit
- Autistic and OK Autistic and OK | Ambitious about Autism
- Trauma Informed Schools
- Thrive Approach: Support for mental health and wellbeing in school
- ELSA Network
- Handwriting programmes Handwriting Without Tears 2025 | Learning Without Tears
- Examples of adapted PE curriculum: Inclusive PE Training Portal Inclusive PE activity cards
- Physical Disability Network (PDNET)
- National Deaf Children’s Society Helpline (NDCS) (0 – 25 years) Helpline provides free independent information, advice and guidance on a range of topics relating to childhood deafness. National Deaf Children’s Society (
- Books in age category: Books with deaf characters | Reviews (
- Apps and websites useful deaf children and young people | Reviews (
- Apps and Websites in age category: Documents and resources | National Deaf Children’s Society
- Basic Signing skills British Sign Language - Online resources, games, & course.
- Deaf-friendly environmental checklist Deaf-friendly communication tips | National Deaf Children’s Society
- BSL advice videos - Deaf Zone | Childline