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Benefits and financial support
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Housing Benefit
Education, schools and nurseries
Open submenu for Education, schools and nurseries
SEND Local Offer
Open submenu for Housing
Council leaseholders
Council tenants
Fire and building safety
Housing register and allocations
Private tenants and homeowners
Planning and building
Open submenu for Planning and building
Building control
Social care and health
Open submenu for Social care and health
Foster with Hounslow
Waste and recycling
Open submenu for Waste and recycling
Your collections
Reuse and Recycling Centre
Education, schools and nurseries
SEND Local Offer
Parent or carer
Parent or carer
Education, Health and Care Plans
Benefits and money
Social care
Preparation for adulthood
Information, advice and support
For parents and carers of children with SEND
Understanding SEND
Supporting your child in early years - help sheets
Clubs, groups and activities
Concerns about your child
My child is under five
My child is in school
My child has an EHCP
My child might be neurodiverse
Help with hearing, sight, sensory or physical difficulties
Speech and Language Therapy (SaLT) and Occupational Therapy (OT)
Support for your family
Hounslow Family Hubs
Short breaks
Early help
Getting a carers assessment
Find a childminder or nursery
Parenting courses and workshops
Help with money and budgeting
Who you can speak to
Speak to a SEND professional in person
SENDIASS - Independent advice and support
Contact us at the Local Offer
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