This page provides information about courses available to parents and carers in Hounslow who look after children with SEND.
The focus is on speech, language and communications.
The team will share facts about autism, discuss how to recognise it in young children and highlight how to find out more information.
Sessions take pleace in person at one of our family hubs.
To attend, you need to have a child who is under five and has a diagnosis.
More information: Family Services Directory - Family Hubs
Talk to people who share similar experiences to yours by joining a group workshop, drop-in session, coffee morning or virtual meeting.
A relaxed, friendly and supportive group for parents and carers.
It is specifically tailored for children with additional needs, with or without a diagnosis, including concerns about speech delay.
To attend, you need to have a child aged 5 or under.
Time and date: Every Friday from 10 January to 18 April 2025, 10am to 11am
To attend:
First, register to attend your local Children’s Centre: Children's Centre family registration form
Then you can contact Marie Lamb for an invitation by:
- email:
- phone: 07970 668647
123 Magic
A programme for parents and carers of children aged 2 to 12 years diagnosed with ADHD or who display challenging behaviour.
Offering parents and carers support and easy to follow steps to immediately manage challenging behaviour with reason, patience and compassion.
The programme provides simple tools for:
- controlling and managing unacceptable behaviour (for example, testing and manipulative behaviour such as whining, badgering, physical attacks, swearing, aggression)
- encouraging positive behaviour (morning and bedtime routines, eating meals, household chores, cleaning up after themselves)
- strengthening the child - parent relationship (and building your child’s self-esteem)
Time and dates:
- Wednesdays from 15 January to 12 February 2025, 10am to 12pm
- Thursdays from 6 March to 3 April 2025, 10am to 12pm
These are online courses.
For more information:
To register, complete a referral form.
Surviving Your Adolescents
The ‘Surviving Your Adolescents’ programme is designed for Hounslow parents who have adolescent children aged between 13 and 18, who exhibit frequent challenging behaviour both in and out of the home.
In ‘Surviving Your Adolescents’ you will:
- learn how to manage and understand teen risk-taking
- discuss problems to let go of as a parent
- consider how your relationship affects your teen’s safety
- be introduced to an array of services which can offer further support
- feel empowered to engage with your teenager
Time and dates:
- Wednesdays from 13 January to 10 February 2025, 10am to 12pm
- Thursdays from 4 March to 1 April 2025, 10am to 12pm
These are online courses.
For more information:
To register, complete a referral form.
Learn Hounslow are running three free online parenting support courses.
Supporting children’s emotional development
This is a parenting course to support emotional attachment and security within the family.
It aims to help you:
- understand your child’s emotional world by learning to read their emotional needs
- support your child’s ability to successfully manage emotions and enhance the development of their self-esteem
- honour your innate wisdom and desire for your child to be secure
Time and date: Mondays from 20 January to 17 March 2025, 5.30pm to 7.30pm
To enrol:
- phone: 020 8583 6000
- email:
Read more about the course: Learn Hounslow website - Supporting children's emotional development
Understanding children’s mental health
On this course you will explore the world from your child’s perspective.
You will learn how to ‘read’ your child’s emotions and how outside factors can influence your child’s wellbeing. You will also explore ways on how to connect with your child in a way that will support your child’s emotional well-being.
Time and date: Wednesdays from 22 January to 19 March 2025, 5.30pm to 7.30pm
To enrol:
- phone: 020 8583 6000
- email:
Read more about the course: Learn Hounslow website - Understanding children's mental health
Keeping your child safe online
This course is to support parents and carers to understand the advantages and risks of the Internet on their children’s development and develop strategies to eliminate these risks.
Time and date: Mondays from 29 January to 17 March 2025, 5.30pm to 7.30pm
To enrol:
- phone: 020 8583 6000
- email:
Read more about the course: Learn Hounslow website - Keeping your child safe online
Free online courses for Hounslow residents.
Understanding your child with additional needs
This specialist course for parents, relatives or friends of children with additional needs is designed to support you to better understand their world and how the important relationship you share can enable them to thrive.
Suitable for parents or carers with children aged six months to 19 years old.
This is an online course.
Read more about the course: inourplace website - Understanding your child with additional needs
Moving up to secondary school for children with additional needs
This short specialist course is for parents, relatives or friends of children who have additional needs. It is designed to support both you and them as they transition into secondary school.
Building on the principles of nurturing emotional wellbeing shaped by the Solihull Approach, the course will help you to develop your communication and support their development.
Suitable for parents or carers with children aged six months to 19 years old.
This is an online course.
Read more about the course: inourplace website - Moving up to secondary school for children with additional needs
Free, fun, therapeutic sessions celebrating and strengthening family bonds. They are for parents or carers with their children aged seven or over.
Location: Bedfont Lane Community Centre (Google Maps)
Six sessions at 4pm to 5.45pm on these Mondays:
- 10 and 24 February
- 3, 10, 17 and 24 March
You can find out more information about Family Bonds and how to sign up on the Tale to be Told website.
A 17-week parenting course for fathers who are in contact with their children or have the expectation of being in contact with them.
It is a cognitive behaviour therapy program delivered by trained facilitators with a background in child development or offender management.
You can learn more information about the course and how to sign up on the Centre 4 Families website.
Provides creative counselling and play therapy for children and young people aged 3 to 19 years old, as well as family, infant and sibling support.
You can learn more information on what they offer and how to sign up on the Cocoon Kids website.
The Wellbeing & Recovery College is a training and resource centre which develops and delivers education and tools to support wellbeing and the self-management of mental health difficulties.
More information: West London NHS Trust website - Wellbeing & Recovery College