A carer is someone who provides unpaid care. This could be emotional as well as physical support.
Carers can be:
- adults
- parents
- children and young people (young carers)
Getting a carers assessment
Getting a carer’s assessment could be the first step to getting important support. It is your chance to discuss the help you need as a carer.
You can request a carers assessment on the main Hounslow Council website.
Support services for parents and carers
There are many support services available for parents and carers in Hounslow, which can be accessed without a social care assessment. They are:
- Hounslow Parent Carer Forum: A support forum for parents and carers of children and young people with disabilities, special needs, or both.
- Hounslow Family Matters: Provides advice, support and information to families with children or young people that have disabilities or additional needs that are experiencing difficulties or feeling under pressure.
- Contact Hounslow: Provides information on a wide range of issues affecting families with children or young people that have a health condition, additional needs or disabilities.
- Home-Start: A family support charity for parents and carers with at least one child under the age of five.
- Hounslow Safe Space - Mind: A local hub for anyone who feels they are nearing a crisis point, including carers.
You can learn more about support for carers on the main Hounslow Council website.
Young carers
If you are under 18 years old and care for a friend or family member who cannot cope without your support, you may need some extra help.
Young carers can be particularly vulnerable and in need of specialist support and advice.
You can get support from:
- Sibs: Support for brothers and sisters of disabled children and adults
- Carers Trust: A national organisation to help support carers of any age