Universal health services

Universal health services are available to everyone. This means you do not always need a referral to use them.

If you have special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), these services will have to make reasonable adjustments (Mencap website) for you to access them.

Some universal health services in Hounslow include:

You can find a service near you on the NHS website.

Hounslow Community Healthcare provides a range of services for children and adults who are:

  • residents of Hounslow
  • registered with a Hounslow GP surgery

You can find your closest GP surgery on the NHS website. You'll then need to contact them and register.

Audiology assesses hearing and balance disorders.

The audiology service in Hounslow Community Healthcare specialises in children’s hearing from 0 to 25 years old, depending on if they have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP).

You can learn more about the children’s audiology service on the West London NHS Trust website.

For ages 2 to 18

The bladder and bowel team offers advice and support about bladder, bowel and toileting issues for children and young people aged 2 to 18 years.

Anyone can make a referral to this team.

You can learn more about the children’s bladder and bowel service on the West London NHS Trust website.

For ages 18 and over

If you are over 18 and have bowel or bladder issues, you should contact your GP. They are able to refer to the adult service.

You can learn more about the adult continence bladder and bowel service on the West London NHS Trust website.

Find a toilet: The Great British Public Toilet Map

The Great British Public Toilet Map is a free online service that helps you find a public toilet near you.

You can search by location, such as a public landmark (for example, Trafalgar Square or London Bridge), street name or postcode. The results will show you:

  • where the toilet is
  • which genders it is for
  • whether it is accessible
  • whether it has baby changing facilities
  • whether there is a cost to use it

You can find a toilet near you by using the Great British Public Toilet Map website.

For ages 0 to 5

Our Family Hubs have speech and language therapists (SaLT) and occupational therapists (OT) available once a week for children aged 0 to 5 years.

These therapists can answer questions or provide information on how best to support your child’s communication, cognition and sensory development.

You can speak with a SaLT and an OT during:

  • a ‘Stay and Play’ session, which is a fun and stimulating environment for parents and children (aged 0 to 5 years) to play together
  • a ‘Meet a therapist’ session, which is open to children who have not already been referred to the NHS speech and language service, offering advice on how to support your child’s communication (Please note you can only attend these sessions if you have been referred by Family Hub or Children Centre teams.)

SaLTs and OTs are available at our Family Hubs on the following days:

For ages 5 to 19

If your child is aged between 5 and 19 and you’re concerned about their development, you can speak to the special educational needs co-ordinator (SENCO) at your child’s education setting. The SENCO can advise about what support is available.

If your child has an EHCP

If your child has an EHCP, it might state that they require support from a SaLT, an OT or both. The NHS provides this service, unless your child attends a special school, where SaLT and OTs are employed by the school.

The West London NHS Trust provides a range of mental and physical health services. These include both inpatient and outpatient services in several hospital and community sites throughout Ealing, Hammersmith, Fulham and Hounslow. They include:

If you have private healthcare insurance, you may be able be able to access private medical facilities not on NHS sites.

Young Hounslow Sexual Health provides information and support for parents and carers of young people with SEND. Subjects include: 

  • relationships
  • puberty
  • sexual health

They can also provide:

  • one-to-one support for young people in the community or at school
  • training for professionals who are working with children and young people with SEND

They have a drop-in clinic for young people every Friday between 2pm and 4pm at the Heart of Hounslow Sexual Health Clinic. This will be in a confidential space where you can ask questions, get advice, and talk about experiences with one of the team members.

You can refer yourself to the service by email: younghounslowrse@turning-point.co.uk

You can also speak to a sexual health adviser at any of the borough’s sexual health clinics:

  • Isleworth - Twickenham House, West Middlesex Hospital, TW7 6AF
  • Hounslow - Heart of Hounslow, 92 Bath Road, TW3 3EL
  • Feltham - Feltham Centre for Health, TW13 4GU (offers a young persons' walk-in session every Wednesday from 2pm to 4pm)

The Chelsea and Westminster Hospital website gives information on how to contact, find and book appointments at Hounslow's sexual health clinics.

The health visiting team in Hounslow provides support for all aspects of child health, development and parenting.

The service is available for families with children from zero to five years old.

You can learn more about the health visiting service on the West London NHS Trust website.

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