Early help

Our early help has several targeted services available working with children and family centres, health professionals, schools and the voluntary sector.

Our family hubs act as a first point of access for families to receive early help support with children aged 0 to 19 or up to 25 with SEND.

You do not need a referral to access one of our family hubs.

If you, your child and family have more complex needs, you may receive targeted in-depth support through our targeted early help intervention service.

This service offers support through two keys teams:

Childcare for children with SEND  

Finding suitable childcare for your child or young person is a great way for them to learn and have fun with friends, which supports their development and their overall wellbeing.

We have a range of childcare that supports children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) in Hounslow.

You can find a suitable childcare provider on our family services directory.

You can find more information about childcare for under-fives in the early years section on this website.

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