All settings and schools provide additional support for children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).
Hounslow is committed to making education for children and young people (CYP) with SEND more inclusive, which enables as many CYP with SEND as possible to continue their education alongside their peers in local mainstream schools, in line with their and their parents’ or carers’ wishes.
Hounslow’s ordinarily available provision documents provide guidance to all settings. This guidance improves consistency of support across our settings and schools. It sets clear expectations for the types of support that should be ordinarily available in all our mainstream environments, without the need for an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP).
The SEND code of practice says that schools and settings should support your child by taking a graduated approach based on four steps:
- assess
- plan
- do
- review
Your child’s school or setting should meet with you at least three times a year to review how your child is progressing. It is important that you are involved in the discussion about the support your child needs.
You should speak to your child’s SENCO if you are worried your child isn’t making progress from having SEN support. This may mean they may need more specialist help. This could be a referral to the mainstream inclusion partnership (MIP) or a request for an EHC needs assessment.
To find out what you can expect from educational settings, read about Hounslow schools' ordinarily available provision.