Care and support we might offer
Your assessment may indicate that you need care and support. For example:
- visits from a paid carer who helps with tasks like:
- preparing meals
- shopping
- dressing
- washing
- doing laundry
- keeping your home clean
- practical support to get out and about, which might include:
- help from a paid carer
- Taxicard membership
- Dial-a-Ride
- referral to a service provider for:
- help with completing forms
- benefits advice
- help managing your money
- advice from an occupational therapist on aids, equipment and adaptations in your home
- installing a Linkline telecare system to get help in an emergency
- advice and support from a specialist team such as the:
- Adult Learning Disabilities and Autism Service (ALDAS)
- Adult Localities Mental Health Team (ALMHT)
- considering residential options such as: