What you might need to pay
We deliver or arrange some services free of charge. For example:
- advice and information
- statutory advocacy
- carer support services such as:
However, most people have to pay something towards their care.
What you pay depends on your financial situation.
Where we have agreed to arrange care and support on your behalf, we will need to do a financial assessment. This will show how much you need to pay towards the cost of your care.
You will usually have to pay the full cost if you:
- have savings or assets of £23,250 or above
- own property or properties other than your home
- have been sponsored to come to the UK under a sponsorship agreements with the Home Office
- choose not to complete a financial assessment
If your circumstances change
We will review your care and support services regularly. However, if your support needs or financial circumstances change, you should let us know as soon as possible. This will avoid you paying too much or building up arrears which may have to be repaid.
See: When your circumstances change
Getting help
The rules around the funding of care can be complicated. Our financial assessment team can advise on how the rules apply to your individual circumstances:
- phone: 020 3949 7737
- email: fas@hounslow.gov.uk