Sensory impairment team - Social care services directory

Service description

The sensory impairment team assesses and delivers services to improve quality of life and increase independence to anyone living with sight loss. This is part of our occupational therapy service.

We will identify your needs and provide the appropriate support. 


You can contact us for advice and support if you:

  • are aged 18 years or over
  • live in Hounslow
  • have a medically diagnosed eye condition

There must be permanent and significant sight loss in both eyes to meet our eligibility criteria. However, you do not have to be registered sight impaired (partially sighted) or severely sight impaired (blind) to receive a service.

The service is not available to people whose sight is corrected through spectacles or contact lenses. 

Registration process and certificate of vision impairment

There are two categories of registration: 

  • sight impaired (partially sighted)
  • severely sight impaired (blind)

Once you have been seen at the eye hospital, the eye consultant or ophthalmologist decides the criteria for registration and completes a certificate of vision impairment (CVI).

When we receive a copy of the CVI, we will contact you to ask if you wish to register. You will also be offered an assessment and informed of the services available. Registration is voluntary and can only happen with your consent. If you choose not to be registered, you can still receive a service from the team.

Benefits of registration

People registered as sight impaired (partially sighted) are entitled to: 

  • an assessment by the local sensory impairment team, who may provide equipment and training
  • a 24-hour Freedom Pass for buses, trams and underground in Greater London (rail travel Monday to Friday only after 9.30am)
  • a Disabled Person’s Railcard (generally gives one third off the price of rail tickets, for you and your carer/guide)
  • permanent loan of radio/CD players from British Wireless for the Blind (provided by the local voluntary blind association)
  • eligibility to claim and enhance prospects of claiming specific welfare benefits
  • discount to some leisure facilities and organisations

People registered as severely sight impaired (blind) are entitled to all of the above plus:

  • 50% off TV licence fee
  • automatic entitlement to:
    • Blue Badge scheme in London
    • Taxicard Scheme
    • Dial-a-ride transport scheme
  • Blind person’s personal income tax allowance
  • Increased potential of receiving welfare benefits


Following an assessment, there may be several services available such as:

  • Information about the services and activities available locally for visually impaired people
  • Practical support and training, to learn skills to remain independent both at home and outdoors
  • Specialist training and advice on mobility, both indoors and outdoors in order to increase confidence and safety, including tuition in using a white cane, crossing roads, teaching new routes, shopping and using public transport
  • Help or referrals to relevant agencies - with communication difficulties such as learning Braille and hearing loss
  • Help in accessing equipment to help you manage daily life
  • Lighting and environmental adaptations to maximise vision and increase safety
  • Advice and referrals to other services that may be able to help increase independence and wellbeing
  • Onward referrals to voluntary agencies

Low vision

If you need an assessment for a magnifier, this can be provided by your local eye unit or hospital. If you are not already known to the eye unit, your GP can make a referral.

Getting an assessment

See: Getting in contact to discuss your needs.


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