Learning disability

A learning disability is a lifelong condition that affects how a person learns new things.

Having a learning disability is different for everyone. Lots of people who have a learning disability work, have relationships, live alone and get qualifications. Other people might need more support throughout their life.

You can read more about learning disability on the NHS website.

To request support from us:

If you wish to request support from us, we first need to assess your needs and financial eligibility.

See: Getting in contact to discuss your needs

Please note - paying for social care

It's important to understand that social care from any local authority, unlike the NHS, is not free. Please read more about what you might need to pay and make sure you're aware of this before requesting or agreeing to any services.

Specialist support

After a care assessment, our specialist team that supports adults with learning disability is the adult learning disability and autism service (ALDAS). 

ALDAS works alongside West London NHS Trust, which also specialises in supporting people with a learning disability. See: West London NHS Trust website - Adult learning disability health team.

Other support

Other organisations that can offer information, advice and support include:

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