Adult learning disability and autism service (ALDAS) - Social care services directory

Service description

ALDAS provides social care support for residents from 17 years old, who have a learning disability and/or autism.

There are two teams:

  • Community team (supporting people from the age of 25 to end of life)
  • Independent Futures team (supporting people from the age of 17 to 24 years)

Community team

This team focuses on social care and support needs.

It aims to help residents and their carers to improve their lives by:

  • helping with social and interpersonal needs
  • promoting human rights and wellbeing

Through this team, residents with a learning disability or autism may access, among other services:

  • the employment opportunities service
  • the travel training service
  • Project SEARCH (an internship programme)

The team organises:

  • drop-in sessions
  • sports
  • social meet-ups and outings

The team can also call on the NHS Positive Behaviour Support team to help families and carers manage challenging behaviour.

Independent Futures team

This team is formerly known as the ’17 to 24 Team’ or ‘Transitions’).

This team helps young people with a learning disability and/or autism transition from children’s services to Adult Social Care.

It works with people aged 17 to 24 and aims to increase their independence through:

  • community inclusion
  • work and volunteering opportunities
  • education
  • day services
  • good health
  • access to housing

After the age of 25, they move through to the main ALDAS community team.

Working closely with the NHS

ALDAS works alongside West London NHS Trust, which also specialises in supporting people with a learning disability. They support residents with autism if they also have a learning disability. 

See: West London NHS Trust website - Adult learning disability health team

When to contact

If you're finding out about ALDAS for the first time:

You shouldn't contact the team directly. 

Instead, see Getting in contact to discuss your needs.

If you're already known to ALDAS:

You should contact them directly using the details below.


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