An assessment is the first step to finding out:
- what care and support you need
- if you are eligible to receive services and/or funding
- how we can assist
The assessment is for the person in need care. There is a different assessment for carers.
You can still request an assessment if your immigration status means you have no recourse to public funds.
How the assessment happens
The assessment starts with either:
- you completing an initial online assessment
- a telephone conversation
See: Getting in contact to discuss your needs
After this, we review the information you have provided within 24 hours.
We then get back in touch with you within 28 days to either:
- tell you you're not eligible for support from us and instead either:
- provide you with information
- signpost you to other services or organisations
- arrange a full assessment either by phone or at your home
We may also need to contact your GP or other health or social care professionals who are familiar with your situation.
What we'll ask about
In the assessment, we'll ask questions about:
- how you manage at home with everyday tasks such as washing, preparing meals and dressing
- how safe you feel in your home and whether the space works for your level of mobility
- how you get out and about and take part in social activities
If you need help completing an assessment and have no friends or family who can help, you can ask for the assistance of an advocate.
What happens after the assessment
You will receive written confirmation of the outcome.
This could be:
- a referral or signposting to another service
- establishing that you need care and support services in place
If you need care and support
We will work with you to create a support plan.
This will be reviewed after six weeks and then either:
- every year
- whenever there is a significant change in your circumstances
You can read more about the kind of care and support we might offer.