A financial assessment calculates the contribution you need to make towards your care.
This can be done formally with a social care professional at the same time as your needs assessment or you can complete a financial assessment online.
If you choose not to complete an assessment
You need a financial assessment in order to receive services from us.
If you choose not to have one, we may have to charge you for services in full. This would include any services that have already been delivered.
Where different rules apply
Different rules around funding apply if you need care and support either:
- because of a health condition
- if your needs are particularly high needing a significant level of support
In these cases, you will be assessed under the NHS Continuing Healthcare Framework or NHS-funded nursing care. If you're eligible, the NHS will fund your care in full.
You will also not be charged for services if you are receiving aftercare under section 117 of the Mental Health Act 1983.
Getting help
If you're having difficulty understanding the financial assessment process, you may want to ask for an advocate to help you.
Our financial assessment team can also advise on how the funding rules apply to your circumstances:
- email: fas@hounslow.gov.uk
- phone: 020 3949 7737