An advocate is an independent person who can:
- speak for you
- represent your point of view
- assist you with a specific task
If you are struggling with a care assessment and have no friends or family that can help you, you can request an advocate. This is your right under the Care Act.
This is often called statutory advocacy, Care Act advocacy or generic advocacy.
You can also seek the help of an advocate if you:
- need help with your rights under the Mental Health Act
- have been assessed as 'lacking capacity' under the Mental Capacity Act but have no one to represent you
- need support to make a complaint about the NHS
You can read more information about different types of advocacy on the POhWER website.
Requesting an advocate
Advocacy services in Hounslow are provided by POhWER. The service is free of charge.
On the POhWER website you can:
- find out more information about Care Act advocacy
- download a form to request advocacy
They also offer information in Easy Read and British Sign Language (BSL).