Children with disabilities social work team (CDSWT)

Our Children with disabilities social work team (CDSWT) provides support for children and young people aged 0 to 18 who have severe and profound disabilities that affect day-to-day activities. 

Your young person may transition to adult social care services after they turn 18. 

To get help from CDSWT

Your child or young person must have a substantial learning disability, physical disability or both and are likely to require adult learning disability services after they turn 18. 

They must meet one or more of the following criteria:

  • has a severe learning disability
  • has an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP)
  • goes to a special school or SEN centre for students with severe learning disabilities
  • requires assistance in one or more of the following:
    • bathing
    • going to the toilet
    • dressing
    • eating
    • engaging in social activity
  • displays behaviours which may pose a significant risk to themselves or others
  • has been diagnosed with Trisomy-21 (Down’s syndrome) and aged 14 or over

Physical disability:

  • is a full-time wheelchair user or have severely restricted mobility without the need for specialist equipment, such as a hoist
  • requires assistance in one or more of the following: 
    • bathing 
    • going to the toilet 
    • dressing 
    • eating  
    • engaging in social activity
  • requires skeletal treatments leading to six months or more of immobility (or a stay in hospital) and a three-month period of recovery afterwards  


  • has been diagnosed with a health condition that is severe and potentially life threatening, resulting in numerous hospital admissions
  • is receiving continuing care or palliative care from health services  


  • has hearing loss leading to being unable to hear less than 71 decibels (dB)
  • is registered deaf
  • mainly uses British Sign Language (BSL) to communicate 


  • is registered or eligible to register as blind  

Under fives:

  • experiences substantial developmental impairment or delays in more than one area of cognition or sensory function or both)
  • be diagnosed with severe global developmental delay (developmental delay)

The CDSWT does not work with children and young people who have ADHD or moderate learning disabilities.

The team does not work with children or young people who attend special schools unless a young person is diagnosed with autism and has additional needs.

Information and enquiries

If the young person is under 18:

If the young person is over 18:  

The Disabled Children’s Register

The Disabled Children’s Register helps us support children and young people with disabilities or complex needs by giving important information, support and advice targeted at your child or young person’s needs.

The register can also give you a better understanding of your child or young person’s needs and help us to plan services for the future. 

You do not need to register but if you would like to, you can do this by: 

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