There are many different things for you to do as a person with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). These may include:
- joining networks
- taking part in activities
- meeting other people and having fun
This page provides information about things to do in Hounslow.
Community access service (CAS)
The community access service (CAS) provides important opportunities for people with mild-to-moderate learning disabilities and autism.
CAS can help you to make friends and learn new skills to prevent the risk of isolation.
You can learn more information about CAS opportunities on the CarePlace website.
Prevention, transition and development service
The prevention, transition and development service helps to encourage adults with learning disabilities and autism overcome challenges and grow as a person.
You can learn more information about the prevention, transition and development service on the CarePlace website.
TAG youth club
The TAG youth club meets every week at Ham Youth Centre.
It aims to inspire young people aged 15 to 25 years old, who have a disability, through casual learning.
You can learn more information on the TAG youth club website.
Our Barn
Our Barn runs community-based activities for young people aged 16 to 25 years old (sometimes up to 35 years old) with learning difficulties or other disabilities.
You can learn more information on the Our Barn website.
Autism Hounslow
Autism Hounslow was set up by autistic adults and parent carers to ensure autistic people aged 18 or over can access work, community and leisure activities locally.
Their 'Monday Club' is a weekly meetup in a safe and supportive space.
You can learn more information about the Monday Club on the Autism Hounslow website.