Once you leave education, you may need to find a job.
This isn’t always easy. It can sometimes be stressful to write a CV, make applications and go to interviews.
There are many different support services, both in Hounslow and nationally, that can help you with these tasks.
Hounslow Connexions
If you need support getting into employment in Hounslow, you can use the Hounslow Connexions service. This is a careers information, advice and guidance service offered by Hounslow Council.
This service is available for 16 to 19 years old or up to 25 if you have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP).
They hold regular drop-in sessions where you can come and meet someone face-to-face. Support they offer includes:
- opportunities and resources through partners
- CV writing and interview support
- access to a careers coach
You can learn more about the Hounslow Connexions service on the main Hounslow Council website.
You can contact the Hounslow Connexions team by:
- phone: 020 8583 5151
- email: connexions@hounslow.gov.uk
Work Hounslow
If you are 19 or over and do not have an EHCP, you can use Work Hounslow to help you get into employment.
Work Hounslow provides support for residents who:
- are unemployed
- are in low-paid work
- wish to either re-skill or up-skill
They can offer:
- information, advice and guidance for those seeking employment
- support with reskilling and upskilling opportunities, including funding
- job search, CV writing and interview techniques and training
- targeted employer engagement - supporting our businesses with advice on creating opportunities for residents
You can learn more on the Work Hounslow website.
You can contact Work Hounslow by:
- phone: 020 8583 6174
- email: work@hounslow.gov.uk
Youth Skills & Employment Guarantee (YSEG)
The Youth Skills & Employment Guarantee (YSEG) is a partnership between the council and partners. It aims to ensure all our young people aged 14 to 25 have better access to skills and employment opportunities in the borough.
You can learn more on the YSEG website.
West London Careers Hub
The West London Careers Hub has created career-specific guides for people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).
You can find these guides on the West London Careers Hub website.
Employment Opportunites Service
The Employment Opportunities Service aims to support people aged 18 or over with a disability to find and retain paid employment.
You can learn more information about the employment opportunities service on the main Hounslow Council website.
Support outside Hounslow
Regional and national services:
- Job Centre Plus
- GOV.UK - Find a Job
- National Careers Service - CV Writing
- Scope
- British Association for Supported Employment (BASE)
Support based on diagnosis
There are some services that offer support based on your diagnosis:
- Workfit: Trisomy 21 (also known as Down’s syndrome)
- Care Trade: Autism (also known as ASD or ASC)