SEN support in schools

Ordinarily available provision

Ordinarily available provision (OAP) is the support that all Hounslow schools, early years and post-16 settings should be able to provide for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) using their own resources.  

By outlining a set of expectations, we are encouraging consistency between schools and educational settings throughout the borough. We aim to help parents, carers, children and young people themselves to better understand the support that will be provided for children and young people with SEND without an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP).

See also: OAP guidance documents (PDF)

Key approaches 

The key approaches for successful provisions for children and young people with SEND are: 


Professionals should work with parents, children and young people to create and review the SEND information report each year including goals and learning approaches. 


A child or young person should be involved in the graduated approach process to assess, plan, do and review. They should be setting and reviewing targets and identifying their own learning approaches. 

This involves professionals and families:

  • planning for what they want to achieve
  • putting that plan into action
  • seeing what has worked and ensuring progress is made towards fulfilling their potential


Professionals, parents and carers should recognise and respond to a child or young person's need for positive wellbeing and mental health. This includes pastoral support, building positive relationships with a focus on safety and value. 


Settings that adapt to the learning environment, making reasonable adjustments to meet the needs of children and young people. 


Professionals to give resources to children and young people so that they can access all provisions. 


Professionals and parents should support with all transitions to ensure there is a co-produced transition plan. 

Support for broad areas of need 

The SEND code of practice identifies different kinds of SEND needs into four broad areas:  

  • cognition and learning
  • communication and interaction
  • social, emotional, and mental health
  • sensory and or physical needs

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