EHCP annual reviews
Children and young people aged five and over must have a review of their Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) every year. This is a legal requirement defined under s44 of the Children and Families Act 2014,
Children under five should have their plan reviewed every three to six months.
An annual review is a chance for you, your child (or young person) and professionals to:
- meet and talk about your child’s progress
- review the content of the plan
The focus of the annual review must be on the child or young person’s progress towards achieving the outcomes listed in their EHCP. This focus is known as ‘person-centred planning’.
Changing an EHCP
An annual review is the only way an EHCP can be changed. This means it is very important that you attend the meeting and give your opinions.
We will consider making changes to your child or young person’s EHCP if it will help make sure your child or young person can achieve their outcomes with the right support.
However, you should not expect that your child or young person’s EHCP will need to be changed following every annual review. Usually, changes will only be made either:
- at transition phases
- when there is a change in your child’s needs, which may include health or social care involvement
Year 9 annual review
The Year 9 annual review marks the start of planning for your young person’s transition to adulthood.
This annual review will focus on preparing them for adult life across the four key approaches:
- employment - preparing for further/higher education and/or employment
- independence - gaining skills for independent living
- staying healthy - maintaining good health in adult life
- community inclusion - participating in society, developing, and maintaining friendships and relationships
The Year 9 annual review will be the first of many that will focus on preparation for adulthood, as the young person moves through their school and college years.
More information
A video by the Council for Disabled Children’s gives more information about annual reviews: