SEND Local Offer: Personal budgets and direct payments

A personal budget is money from the council to help fund your care and support.

The four ways a personal budget can be delivered to you, or the young person are:

  • direct payments: where individuals get the money to buy and manage services themselves
  • an arrangement whereby Hounslow Council, the school or college holds the funds and commissions the support specified in the plan (these are sometimes called notional budgets)
  • third party arrangements: where funds (direct payments) are paid to and managed by an individual or organisation on behalf of you or the young person
  • a combination of the above

You might be eligible for a personal budget if you: 

  • are disabled or care for a disabled person 
  • have needs that are not met 

Money from a personal budget does not count as income and will not affect any benefits.

You might have to pay some money towards your personal budget.

There is no maximum amount of money that you can receive from a personal budget. 

You can learn more about personal budgets on the SCOPE website. 

You can also view an Easy Read guide to direct payments.

Education, Health and Care Plan personal budgets 

If your child or young person has an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP), you may request for any additional funding to be held as a personal budget.  

You can learn more about EHCP personal budgets in the EHCP section on this website.

Personal health budget

A personal health budget is funding to support a child or young person's health needs.

This funding is provided to children and young people who are eligible for continuing care. 

You can learn more about continuing care and health personal budgets on the health section on this website

Social care personal budget

If your child or young person is receiving care and support from us, we will set a personal budget as part of your care plan.  

To find out if your child or young person is eligible for care and support from us, they will need to get a social care needs assessment.

You can find out more about getting a social care needs assessment on the social care section on this website.

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