Adult social care: Housing options at a glance

An at-a-glance guide to different types of residential accommodation available for adults who need support.

Shared Lives
Where adults with learning difficulties, mental health difficulties or other needs lives with an approved carer.

More information: Shared Lives

Supported living
A shared living arrangement where live-in or visiting support workers support two, three or more people with similar needs.

More information: Supported living

Sheltered housing
Where residents live in their own flat with private facilities and communal areas, supported by live-in or visiting housing managers.

More information: Sheltered housing

Extra care housing
Similar to sheltered housing but with extra support, where on-site workers provide help with personal care and preparing meals. GPs and nursing staff make regular visits.

More information: Extra care housing

Care home with or without dementia care
Residential homes with en-suite bathrooms and communal areas, where 24-hour care workers help with personal care and provide meals. Many homes have specialist dementia facilities with appropriately trained staff.

More information: Care homes

Nursing home
Similar to a care home (some homes are both care homes and nursing homes), but with the addition of 24-hour, on-site nursing staff.

More information: Nursing homes

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