Shared Lives is a scheme that carefully matches people who need help to live independently with people able offer support and accommodation within their own homes.
It is an alternative to supported living or residential care. It offers people the chance to live in a home environment with a Shared Lives carer providing fostering-style support.
This can be a long-term arrangement, day support or on a respite basis, which may be a day, weekend, or a few weeks at a time. The arrangement builds positive relationships and friendships, as well as providing consistent support from someone who the person knows well.
Shared Lives mainly supports people with learning disabilities but also supports:
- people with mental health support needs
- people with dementia
- older people
- young people moving to children social care services to adult social care services
Shared Lives is offered in Hounslow by Certitude.
Applying for Shared Lives
To apply for Shared Lives, we first need to make an assessment of your care needs.