Activities for over 60s

"Stay Fit and Stay Healthy in Hounslow” offers free activities for residents aged 60 and over.

They take place at four sheltered housing schemes in the borough:

Our programme includes a range of activities like:

  • arts and crafts
  • technology support
  • exercise sessions
  • music therapy

The activities give people an opportunity to socialise, interact and create new friendships. No previous experience is required. All levels of ability are welcome.

Key information

Class capacities are limited and admission will be granted only to people who have made bookings through the tutor.

You can find booking details in the activity descriptions on the other pages in this section. Please note that if a class reaches full capacity, no further admissions will be permitted.

All information provided is accurate at the time of printing and is subject to change without prior notice.

For health and safety reasons, please do not enter the building until ten minutes before your session starts.

Attendees arriving later than ten minutes into a session may be refused entry.

If you have booked a session but no longer wish to attend, please inform the tutor to allow someone else to attend in your place.

If you miss two consecutive sessions without cancellation, you may be unable to attend future sessions.

Abuse towards staff will not be tolerated. Anyone behaving abusively may be asked to leave and may not be allowed to participate in future activities.


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