Guide to choosing a school or education setting

Other education settings

Your child’s needs may mean they find education in a school to be difficult. In some cases, a school setting may not be appropriate for your child, particularly in the short term.

Other types of education available in Hounslow are: 

Education other than at school (EOTAS) 

If your child has an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) and is unable to attend a school setting due to specific needs or circumstances, an EOTAS package will be enlisted to provide an alternative, tailored educational provision. This may be, for example, direct tutoring or an onsite provision.

EOTAS packages are monitored and reviewed every six weeks, with the aim of reintegration into a suitable education setting.

EOTAS packages should not be thought of as a long term placement or replacement for your child attending a (registered) education setting. If EOTAS is requested, we give careful consideration to circumstances and needs. However, it is important to note that if there is a suitable setting is available, we may not agree an EOTAS package.

If you receive an EOTAS package, we are still responsible for making sure your child receives the provision listed in their EHCP. To make sure this happens, EOTAS packages may include the following provision:  

  • direct tuition (in person or online)
  • on-site vocational courses
  • post-16 training providers

EOTAS position statement (PDF)

Elective home education (EHE) 

Elective home education (EHE) is a term used to describe educating your child at home. In this case, you are responsible for your child’s education. This is different to EOTAS, which is provided by us.  

If you make the choice to home educate your child, it is your responsibility to fund and organise your chosen home education programme.  You will not receive any help from us towards: 

  • exam costs
  • tutor support
  • workbooks and subscriptions 

It is entirely your responsibility to fund and organise your chosen home education programme. 

We are responsible for making sure your child receives a suitable education, even if you choose EHE. To help with this, you should register your child with the council as being EHE. You only need our permission to educate your child at home if your child has an EHCP and attends a special school

You can learn more information and register your child for EHE on the main Hounslow Council website

Alternative provision (AP) 

Alternative provision (AP) is education that is offered by the local authority to a child or young person who is unable to go to a school or other educational setting.  

Who can access AP 

Pupils that have access to AP are those who: 

  • have been excluded permanently or for a fixed period
  • have a short or long-term illness
  • require interim support away from school

Types of AP 

There are many different types of AP available, depending on the child or young person’s needs.  

Alternative provision can be:

  • in a registered setting with a Department for Education (DfE) number
  • through EOTAS, as described above

This status of setting will reflect the number of hours a pupil can access the provision, so it’s important that we make you aware of this.  

All provision offered should be able to provide a high level of education suitable for the child or young person’s age, ability and any special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) they may have.   

Woodbridge Park – pupil referral unit (PRU) and AP sites  

We directly commission Woodbridge Park as our AP provider. This is a multi-site AP centre which offers education and support to students who are unable to attend a mainstream school. 

Sites that Woodbridge Park is based at: 

Other settings we use:

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