Most children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) will have their needs met within a mainstream education setting.
However, in certain circumstances, a small number of children and young people with SEND need additional support to help them with their education, health and social care needs. This means they may be eligible for an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP).
An EHCP is a legal document for children and young people aged zero to 25 years who are in education or training. The document describes:
- a child or young person’s needs
- the support they require to help them achieve their long and short-term goals
You can read an Easy Read guide to ECHPs on the Mencap website.
An EHCP includes access to additional funding to help meet your child’s or young person’s special educational needs.
We are responsible for providing all the listed support and provision, including a place at a named school, college or other educational setting mentioned in your child or young person's EHCP.
If you think your child is eligible for an EHCP, they must have had an Education, Health and Care (EHC) needs assessment.