Dementia is a syndrome associated with an ongoing decline of brain functioning. There are many different causes of dementia, and many different types.
You can read more about dementia on the NHS website.
Forgetfulness is not always a sign of dementia. If you are experiencing memory problems, speak to your doctor for a diagnosis.
To request support from us:
If you wish to request support from us, we first need to assess your needs and financial eligibility.
See: Getting in contact to discuss your needs
Please note - paying for social care
It's important to understand that social care from any local authority, unlike the NHS, is not free. Please read more about what you might need to pay and make sure you're aware of this before requesting or agreeing to any services.
Other support
There are many services and organisations in the borough that can offer information, advice and practical support to people diagnosed with dementia, their carers, family and friends. They include: