Spending time at a day care centre may be suitable for you. This might be something we identify after a care assessment.
The service is particularly helpful for adults living with learning disabilities, autism or dementia.
Your attendance at a day care centre can also provide valuable respite for your carer.
At day care centres, you can typically:
- take part in physical activities like exercise and yoga classes
- take part in social activities arts and crafts, board games and bingo
- enjoy entertainment like movie afternoons
- meet people and make new friends
Day care in Hounslow:
- Sandbanks: Council-run day care centre.
- Age UK Vintage Club: Day service at Southville Community Centre in Feltham, providing a range of activities and a hot two-course lunch for up to 20 Hounslow residents per day.
- Nirvana Day Centre: Privately-run day centre located in Hillingdon.
- Homelink Day Respite Centre: Local charity dedicated to the wellbeing of older people and their unpaid carers, based in Whitton.
- Hounslow West Mencap: Person-centred support, advice, and opportunities for people with learning disabilities and other disabilities. Based at Harle House, Feltham.
- Speak Out In Hounslow: Advocacy charity offering programme of day activities for adults with autism and learning disabilities.
- We Are 1 Community Care: Support and facilities for people with mental health needs, learning disability or physical disability. Based at Alf Chandler Centre, Hounslow (Google Maps).