Adult social care: Getting in contact

You can also contact us using British Sign Language (BSL).

Concerns about someone's safety

Report a safeguarding concern

Requesting an assessment

Start a needs assessment or referral online:

Discussing your needs

Contact the Adult Social Care First Contact Team:

You can also come and see us in person when we're out in the community.

Contacting us out of hours in an emergency

Out of hours emergencies

Council services

To access council services such as Council Tax and rubbish collections:

Contact us

Accessing your records

Make a subject access request to view your records:

Accessing your social care records

Complaints and concerns

To make a complaint or share a concern about adult social care services:

Complaints and feedback about adult social care

Compliments and suggestions

To tell us we've done something well or make a suggestion about adult social care services:

Complaints and feedback about adult social care

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