Direct payments

If you are eligible for care and support services, you or the person who cares for you can receive direct payments.

This is an agreed amount of money that you use to organise and pay for services yourself.

Choosing to receive direct payments gives you more choices for your care and support. You can decide how your needs are met, by whom and at what time.

A direct payment is not:

  • a benefit, nor does not it affect any benefits you receive
  • considered as taxable income

Getting direct payments

To be considered for direct payments, you must first have a care needs assessment or a carer's assessment.

We may make direct payments to:

  • people with a physical, sensory or learning disability
  • people with long-term illness
  • people with mental health needs
  • a carer who supports someone aged 18 and over with needs detailed above
  • adults with parental responsibility for a child with a disability

What you can use them for

Payments must be used to pay for services that have been agreed in advance and set out in a support plan. This is written after the care assessment.

You might use direct payments to employ a paid care worker or personal assistant. If so, our direct payments team can advise on the employment process, including:

  • advertising for the role
  • interviewing and DBS checks
  • engaging a payroll service
  • insurance

You are not normally allowed to use direct payments to employ a family member or someone living at the same address as you. Where this is permitted, it must be agreed under exceptional circumstances and clearly documented in your care and support plan

Direct payments for carers

If you look after someone as a carer, you can use the payment to support you in your caring role. For example, you could use your payment to employ:

  • a sitting service to help you take a break
  • someone to help you with domestic tasks such as cleaning, ironing, cooking or gardening

This kind of support may give you as a carer the time you need to look after your health and feel rested.

Enquiries and guidance

Contact the direct payments team:

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