Council Tax discounts

Disabled occupant reduction

If you qualify for a disability band reduction, your charge will be reduced by one band. If you already live in a band A property, your Council Tax will be reduced by one ninth of the band D charge.


You will qualify for a disability band reduction if:

  • you, or someone living with you, need a room to meet specific needs arising from a disability
  • you, or someone living with you, need an extra bathroom or kitchen to meet the needs of a disability
  • you have sufficient floor space in your property to allow the use of a wheelchair by a disabled person who lives in the property

You will also qualify if a person with a disability lives in your property and it has:

  • a room (not a bathroom, kitchen or toilet) essential to the wellbeing of the person who has the disability - they must be the main user of the room 
  • an extra bathroom or kitchen which is essential to the person with the disability
  • extra space inside for the use of a wheelchair - the person with the disability must need to use a wheelchair indoors

Apply for a reduction

Check Hounslow Council Tax bands and charges.

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