Early years support

Progress check at age 2

If your child goes to a nursery or a childminder, they will have a check-up between their second and third birthday. This check will look at how your child is growing and learning. It will include:

  • a summary of how your child is learning and developing
  • a chance for you to talk about what your child likes, needs, and what you want them to work on
  • identifying your child’s strengths and what they will work on next
  • tips on how you can help your child learn and grow at home

This check is not the same as the 2-year-old health review, which is done by the health visiting team. However, sometimes they are completed together. If your child has already had a health review, you should share it at the progress check to give a fuller picture of your child’s health and development.

How it works

You know your child best. The progress check at age 2 is a chance to talk about how your child is doing with their early years provider. You can share your child’s strengths and any worries you have. If the early years provider has concerns, they will talk to you about them.

The check will be reviewed with you by your child’s key person or childminder. You will talk about how your child is doing and your thoughts will be included in the written review.

You will get a full copy of the written review.

If there are concerns about your child’s development

Your child’s key person or the special educational needs coordinator (SENCO) will work with you to make a plan to help your child. This plan might include:

  • ideas or activities to try at home
  • setting targets for your child and agreeing on the support needed to teach them
  • referrals to health professionals if need (for example, a speech and language therapist)

If your child already has established needs

If it has already been established that your child has special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), the progress check can still be useful. It can give you a chance to:

  • celebrate your child’s achievements
  • share information from health professionals
  • discuss any extra support your child might need
  • talk about any areas of development that might have been missed

If you have a different opinion

You may not agree with the early years provider’s view of your child’s development.

Sometimes, you and the early years provider might see different things about your child’s  development. It’s helpful to share what you know about your child’s strengths and needs. Together, you can agree on the best next steps for your child.

Your contribution

Your input is important because you know your child best. You should share information about:

  • how your child communicates with you and why (for example, asking for things).
  • what your child likes and is good at
  • any concerns you have about your child’s development
  • if your child sees any health professionals, for example, a speech and language therapist (you will be asked for permission to share this information with other relevant  professionals)

More information

You can find more information about supporting your child’s learning and development:

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