Getting childcare
You can use our family services directory to find out if you’re eligible for free childcare for your child aged 9 months to 4 years old.
You can also find more information about finding suitable childcare for your child.
You can contact the Family Information Service by:
- phone: 020 8583 3470
- email:
If you think your child has a learning difficulty or learning disability, you may wish to talk about this with the SENCO or headteacher when you visit the setting, childminder or school you want to apply to.
Settings, childminders and schools will track your child’s progress and set out an agreed special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) support plan with you. More information on the SEN Support that is available can be found on the settings’ Family Information Service page.
If your child has a complex SEND condition, there are specialist assessment nurseries in Hounslow that can support their needs. You can only apply to these nurseries through Hounslow’s SEND team.