You can request a larger black wheelie bin if you believe you need one and are using the full recycling service.
You can also order additional recycling boxes if yours aren't big enough to fit your recyclable materials.
Most homes have a standard 140L black wheelie bin. In the right circumstances, we will provide either:
- a larger 240L wheelie bin
- another 140L wheelie bin
Our larger bin policy explains the circumstances in which we will provide a larger or additional wheelie bin.
What we'll do
After you make a request and provide evidence, we will make an assessment of your circumstances. This might include visiting your property to make sure you are recycling as much as possible. It might be that you need replacement or additional recycling boxes, rather than more space for non-recyclable rubbish.
We ask for information to support your application. You can find the information we'll ask for in our larger bin policy. You must provide this within 28 calendar days of being asked. If you do not provide information we ask for, we will cancel your application.
We regularly review households with a larger or additional wheelie bin to make sure they still need the extra capacity. When we decide there is no longer any need, we remove the larger or additional bin and replace it with one standard 140L bin. It is your responsibility to advise us of any changes in your circumstances.