Clifton Gardens care home - Social care services directory

Service description

Clifton Gardens care home is owned and managed by Hounslow Council.

It is situated within walking distance of Chiswick High Street.

The home provides a range of facilities such as:

  • comfortable accommodation
  • private bedrooms
  • relaxing group lounges for company and activities
  • trained staff specialising in dementia care
  • easy access to doctors, community nurses and other medical care
  • a varied activity programme including arts and crafts, coffee mornings and quizzes
  • a garden offering a peaceful environment for residents and their loved ones

The home also invests in continuous training and in-house development so that the team delivers a high standard of care. They aim to make sure that the resident’s needs are at the heart of everything they do. 

Residents can expect a safe, friendly and caring environment.

When to contact

If you want to apply for a placement at Clifton Gardens:

You shouldn't contact the care home directly. 

Instead, see Getting in contact to discuss your needs.

If you want information:

To find out more about Clifton Gardens or to contact them directly, use the contact details below.


Clifton Gardens
59 Clifton Gardens
W4 5TZ

Clifton Gardens on Google Maps

020 8583 5540

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