Council Tax Support

If you are on a low income you may be able to get Council Tax Support to help pay your household Council Tax bill.

The household is the person or people responsible for paying the Council Tax bill. If you are responsible for the Council Tax account you can make a claim for Council Tax Support. This may be any owner, occupier or tenant aged 18 or over.

Claim Council Tax Support

How much support am I entitled to?

We use a banding scheme to decide how much Council Tax Support a household is entitled to. The bands match up with the amount a household earns and this is how we determine how much support you should receive.  

We only take into account your household's earned income. We do not take Child Benefit, Disability Living Allowance, Personal Independence Payments or other benefits you may be receiving into consideration.

The bands are matched to income ranges so residents will know from their earnings which banding they fall in and how much council tax support they will receive. Each band has a threshold, avoiding the need for a household’s entitlement to change due to every small increase in earned income. 

Income Band (Monthly, up to) Monthly Contribution
£250 £0
£500 £40
£1,000 £80
£1,500 £125
£2,000 £175


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