Universal Credit is a payment to help with your living costs. You may be able to get Universal Credit if you’re on a low income, out of work or you cannot work.
You can read about eligibility for Universal Credit on GOV.UK.
How to claim
You can apply for Universal Credit online. Information about what you need to start your claim and how to apply is available on GOV.UK.
If you need help with your application you can contact the Universal Credit helpline on 0800 328 5644 or get help to claim from Citizens Advice.
When you've made your claim
You will be invited to a meeting to discuss your claim and agree a claimant commitment. This is usually at a jobcentre.
If you do not attend this meeting your payment may be reduced. If you need help managing payments you can request at the interview that the payment of the housing element is paid direct to your landlord.
Universal Credit is paid monthly. It usually takes at least 5 weeks to get your first payment. This will be paid as a lump sum directly to you. You must manage this payment and make sure your rent is paid.
If you need money urgently
You can ask for an advance at your jobcentre meeting or apply for an advance on GOV.UK.
Other help and advice
Keeping in contact with your landlord
If you are a council tenant contact your housing officer as soon as you make your application.
While you wait for your claim to be processed rent arrears may increase, so it is important you keep us up to date on your claim. When you receive your payment, make sure to pay your rent in full to avoid legal action. If you experience problems with your claim, inform your landlord immediately.
Money Helper: help with your claim and payments
Money Helper is a government sponsored service designed to help people on Universal Credit with making a new claim or moving to Universal Credit from existing benefits. It will help you make the most of your money. Get help from the Money Helper website.
Struggling with debt
If you are experiencing problems with your Universal Credit application, struggling with debt, finding it hard to manage money or you have been sanctioned, please read our money and debt advice.
Discretionary Housing Payment
If you are receiving Housing Benefit or the housing element of Universal Credit and are struggling to pay rent you can apply for a Discretionary Housing Payment.