Hounslow bereavement and end of life support service (The Mulberry Centre) - Social care services directory

Service description

Hounslow Bereavement and End of Life Support Service is delivered by The Mulberry Centre

The centre can provide support to anyone living or working in Hounslow who has experienced bereavement for any reason, not only those affected by cancer.

They are also able to offer help and support to people receiving care in the last phase of life, as well as their loved ones. The Mulberry Centre works hard to ensure that people who are given an end-of-life diagnosis can live independently for as long as possible.

They offer:

  • A welcome assessment to tailor appropriate support
  • Individual bereavement counselling
  • Bereavement support group
  • Wellbeing classes 
  • Social and creative activities
  • Complementary therapies
  • An end-of-life patients support group
  • Support group for carers of someone at end of life
  • Soul midwife support

Who it's for

The services are for anyone in the London Borough of Hounslow who:

  • has experienced bereavement for any reason
  • has a chronic illness and requires end of life care
  • is supporting someone who is receiving end of life care

A person is deemed to be receiving end of life care if their life expectancy is less than 12 months.


020 8321 6300

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