Adaptations to council housing

As a council tenant, you may need an adaptation to your home to help you live independently.

An occupational therapist (OT) team in the housing service can assess your needs.

This may result in an adaptation to your home through our housing adaptations team.

To request an assessment, email

After assessment

A specialist housing adaptations surveyor will visit your home.

They will carry out a survey to establish if the OT recommendations can be completed in the property.

They will take measurements and photos. You need to make sure they can access every room.

The surveyor will create plans and specifications for the proposed works. The OT checks that the proposal meets your needs and sends you a copy of the plans. 

If you have any concerns that the proposal won't meet your needs, you can discuss this with your OT. Once the OT has signed the proposed plans, they cannot be changed. 

Asbestos survey

We will often need to arrange an asbestos survey for your property. It is important this survey is completed as soon as possible to avoid a delay in starting the works. 

In some cases, an asbestos survey is not be required because of the age of the property.

Appointing a contractor

We will appoint a contractor to carry out the works. We will send you a letter with the name of the contractor. They will liaise with you directly to discuss a start date for the works.

If your circumstances change and you cannot keep to the agreed date, you should contact us or the contractor. This may means we can start works and reduce waiting times for other tenants needing an adaptation.

Your choices

The contractors will discuss the works to your home with you. Where possible, you will be given some choices in relation to bathroom and kitchen works. For example:

  • tiles
  • flooring
  • paint
  • kitchen units
  • formica
  • shower (for example, electric or mains) 

Please note, for kitchens and bathrooms, we may re-use existing kitchen units and sanitary ware.

During the works

On the day of the works, the contractors will cover the floor areas and any furniture in the area where they are working. You need to clear away items in rooms where works are taking place. You can contact us for help with this if you will have difficulties doing this.

The first day is generally the most disruptive, so you should expect dust and noise.

Depending on the type of works, there may be periods when services are not available during the day. For example, electricity, gas, water and flushing the toilet.

The contractors will inform you when these services are planned to be switched off and when they will be back on.

You will not be left without services overnight.

We will check the progress and quality of the works while they're taking place. If you have any concerns or questions, you can contact your surveyor, who will be happy to help.

After the works

Once the works are completed, your surveyor will check the works.

They will highlight any snagging, check everything has been done as requested and sign off the works. This will be your opportunity to tell us what you thought of the contractors and the whole adaptation process.

The works are guaranteed for 12 months. If there are any problems with the completed works within 12 months, you should email the housing adaptations service:

After 12 months, you should request a housing repair.

If there are any extended warranties, we will provide a warranty certificate.

You can then contact the supplier directly if there are any issues.

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