1,000 pledge

Our equality, diversity and inclusion action plan

Theme objectives:

  • Objective A: Ensure a diverse and engaged workforce
  • Objective B: Provide additional training, support and resources to support diversity within organisations

Objective A

Ensure a diverse and engaged workforce
Current position/baseline
Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Policy agreed by Cabinet in 2017. The policy was updated with delivery plans for 2020 and 2021 with the equality objectives extended to 2022.
LBH to implement a new Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy to cover a four-year period 2022 to 2026.
December 2022
Measure of success
LBH employs a workforce that is representative of Hounslow residents.

Objective B

Provide additional training, support and resources to support diversity within organisations.
Current position/baseline
Mandatory and non -mandatory training available for staff on LBH’s Intranet.
To increase uptake of these training opportunities within the Housing Supply and Development Team.
March 2022.
Measure of success
Establish the existing level of take up of ED&I training opportunities within the Housing Development and Supply Team and aim to increase this.

Theme objectives:

  • Objective A: Implement Hounslow’s ‘Building the Green Economy’ Action Plan
  • Objective B: Ensure training and employment opportunities are available for local people, on Affordable Housing development schemes

Objective A

Implement Hounslow’s ‘Building the Green Economy’ Action Plan.
Current position/baseline
Adopted June 2022.
Increase green educational and training opportunities for LBH officers to help them to acquire new skills in growing fields such as energy assessment, sustainable construction and the retrofitting of homes, with energy saving technology.
October 2022 to April 2023
Measure of success
Increased participation in training on sustainable and diverse supply chains for Housing Supply and Development staff.

Objective B

Ensure training and employment opportunities are available for local people, on Affordable Housing development schemes.
Current position/baseline
LBH’s ‘Keep in Local’ initiative ensures through the procurement process that social value is embedded within this.
To set up a process to ensure the Housing and Supply Team actively monitor the number of local people trained and employed on council-owned affordable housing schemes, throughout the life of the on-site development phase.
November 2022 to March 2026.
Measure of success
LBH can report on the numbers of people local to Hounslow that are actively trained or employed on council-owned Affordable Housing development sites.

Maximise opportunities to take a meaningful and participatory approach to working with diverse community groups and organisations when designing and delivering affordable homes.
Current position/baseline
LBH is reviewing its existing Community Engagement Platforms to establish ways to improve this for the residents of Hounslow.
3.1 To successfully implement a new Community Engagement Platform ensuring participation is accessible to all Hounslow residents. 3.2. Ensure community engagement events do not present barriers to participation or disadvantage any protected groups from participation 3.3 Analyse diversity and equality data from community engagement exercises to ensure affordable housing delivery meets the needs of disadvantaged and protected groups.
September 2023.
Measure of success
Monitor and increase the diversity of individuals participating in engagement exercises relating to Affordable Housing. Undertake equality impact assessments for all Housing Development and Supply Team community engagement methods. Monitor type and size of delivered units to ensure they have responded to the outcome of community consultation events.

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